Monday: 5 miles
Tuesday: 1 mile; weights
Wednesday: 4 miles
Thursday: off
Friday: 13 miles
Saturday: off
Seems I took a lot of days off this week. It was Ethan's birthday, so we partied a lot. My cousin also came to visit, so I did my long run on Friday instead of my usual Saturday because I knew I wouldn't fit it in. We were to go skiing on Saturday, but life got in the way. Oh, well, we had an enjoyable visit anyway.
While running on Friday, I thought about how people are so amazed when they find out I have run a long run. As I thought about this, I realized that our bodies are meant to do this. They are made to run, to work physically. They are machines, and very efficient ones at that. They were not made to sit around in front of a computer or television all day. They were not made to eat excessively. But all of those things I do. This gave me motivation. I was doing what I was meant to do. To run, to labor, to work hard and enjoy life. Depression is so common today, and I believe it is because we are depriving our bodies of what they need, what they crave. I will remember each time I run that I am meant for this. Go out and do something physical today, sweat, get physically tired, and see if it doesn't feel great. I don't know what you will do, as for me, I will run.
Spring 2018
4 years ago
I love your blog Melanie, You are such an insperation.